Blogparade: 100 things I am proud of

24 Jul 2024 | Coaching, English, Reflexion

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What are you proud of? I am sure you will find countless answers to this question. My experience as a leadership coach and team developer shows me that there is a huge treasure hidden in these answers. Being proud is first and foremost an expression of joy about something that you are, have achieved, or have done. Becoming aware of what you are proud of means becoming aware of your skills and identity. Reflecting on this topic is a powerful and invigorating tool that I also like to use in my work with clients. The brilliant thing about it is, it creates a collection of your very own competencies, skills, and abilities. A collection of examples in which you have already successfully used all of your diverse resources. And thus generates an awareness of all the skills you have to cope with future situations. In this blog parade, I invite you to embark on a journey of discovery of your resources and ask yourself the question: What are you proud of?

What is a blog parade?

Anyone who is eager to join can write something on the topic of “100 things I’m proud of”.

You write and publish your article on your website and link this blog article that you are currently reading in your introduction.

The result: You write a great blog article that your target group will enjoy reading. More new people click on your blog and find out about you and your offers. And: You’ll see what others write about it and how they see the topic of this blog parade.

You can take part until September 1st, 2024.

How to take part in this blog parade

Write a post about “100 things I’m proud of” in the form of a list
Link to the blog parade “100 things I’m proud of” in your introduction.
As soon as you have published your blog article: Comment here under this article with a short text and the link to your article.
For social networks, you can use the hashtag #ThingsIAmProudOfListicle.

The blog parade ends on Sunday, 01.09.2024. Until then, you can leave your contribution to my blog parade here in the comments section!

By the way: It doesn’t have to be exactly 100 things that you find. This list can also grow and expand over time. Try to keep each list item short.

Key questions for the blog parade

We can be proud of many things. I would therefore like to provide you with some questions that you can use to address this topic.

  • What have you achieved that is special to you?
  • What kind of personality traits of yours are you proud of?
  • What things are you proud of that you had no influence on? (e.g. origin, etc.)
  • What challenges have you overcome in your life?
  • Have you ever done something new for yourself without help?
  • What fears have you overcome?
  • When were you particularly courageous?
  • Did you do something even though it wasn’t easy for you?
  • Did you defend your convictions and boundaries?

These questions are just a few ways in which you can approach the topic of being proud. Of course, you are also welcome to ask and answer your very own questions!

One more tip: If you have the feeling of not being able to find more answers, ask yourself or have someone ask you the following question: “What else?” (My favorite question 😉 )

I look forward to your blog article!


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